If you don’t agree with our decision to revoke your status as an NDIS participant, you should talk to us. Your planner, local area coordinator or early childhood partner can help explain our decision, answer any questions and explore next steps.

You can also ask for an internal review of our decision to revoke your status as a participant.  This means one of our staff, who wasn’t involved in the original decision, will decide if we made the correct decision.

You’ll need to ask for an internal review within 3 months after we tell you in writing that we revoked your status as a participant.  You can ask us to stop our internal review at any time.  

If you don’t agree with the internal review decision, you can then ask for an external review. This means the Administrative Review Tribunal will decide if we made the right decision. Learn more on the Administrative Review Tribunal website .

If we decide you’re not eligible, you can apply again, unless you have requested a review of that decision and are waiting for a decision to be made. 

Learn more about internal and external reviews.

What if you become a participant again because of an internal or external review?

If an internal or external reviewer decides you’re eligible for the NDIS, you’ll become a participant again. You’ll become a participant again from the date you stopped being a participant.

This means we will identify the plan you had when you stopped being a participant and put that plan back in place. This plan will continue until we reassess your next plan.

In some situations, you can claim the cost of the reasonable and necessary supports you purchased during the period your participant status was revoked.

This is the period between:

  • the day you stopped being an NDIS participant
  • the day you became a participant again because of the internal or external review decision.

You can only claim funding for reasonable and necessary supports if:

  • the reasonable and necessary supports you’re claiming were in your plan – the plan that was in place when we revoked your status as a participant 
  • there is enough funding remaining in that plan
  • you have proof of buying and using the supports, such as a receipt
  • you claim the reasonable and necessary supports within 60 days after you become a participant again.

If your supports are self-managed or plan-managed, you or your plan manager can claim the funding for supports as usual. If your supports are agency-managed, contact us so we can help you claim the funding for supports. Learn more about ways to manage your funding .


Sharna is a participant, and was eligible for the NDIS under the early intervention requirements.

On 1 July, we decide she isn’t eligible for the NDIS anymore and revoke her status as a participant. We have evidence she no longer meets either the disability requirements or the early intervention requirements. She can no longer use her plan funding.

Sharna asks for an internal review of this decision. She also gives us more evidence from her doctor and specialists about her impairments, functional capacity and support needs.

On 1 September, the internal reviewer decides to set aside the decision to revoke Sharna from the NDIS. This means Sharna is eligible for the NDIS. She becomes a participant again.

We treat Sharna as if she was a participant the whole time. This means we reinstate the plan that existed when her status as a participant was revoked. Her reinstated plan will remain until it’s replaced by a new plan at her next plan reassessment.

Sharna had kept using her disability supports in July and August after her participant status had been revoked. She paid for these supports with her own money and kept the receipts. Sharna can’t claim every support, but she can claim reasonable and necessary supports that were included in her NDIS plan before her participant status was revoked.

Sharna self-manages her funding, so she claims the amount she paid for reasonable and necessary supports included in her old plan on the myplace portal .

This page current as of
14 October 2024
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