How do we work out who should fund or provide your supports?

Supports we fund must meet the reasonable and necessary criteria.

One of these criteria is that the support must be an NDIS support.

This means they’re supports we can fund, based on NDIS laws.

We can’t fund supports that are appropriately funded or provided either:

  • by other general systems of service delivery or support services, such as a workers compensation scheme
  • under a universal service obligation that mainstream services must provide to all Australians, such as schools and public hospitals
  • as a reasonable adjustment under discrimination law, such as making places or venues accessible for you.

We can’t fund supports that mainstream and community services should provide, even if the other service system doesn’t actually provide it.

We can’t make up for other organisations and services where it’s their responsibility to fund or provide a service you need.

We also can't fund community supports if it’s reasonable to expect the community to provide them.  

For example, we usually can’t include things like family support services in your plan.

It’s reasonable to expect community services, like local councils or community support groups, to provide family support services.

When we work out whether we can fund different supports, we must follow the laws for the NDIS.

They set out the things we need to consider when we work out who should fund or provide different types of supports. 

We can fund supports that are NDIS supports.  See the list of NDIS supports.

There are also some supports the laws say we can’t fund.  See the list of supports that are not NDIS supports.

We also follow agreements between state, territory and federal governments.  These include:

Remember, all supports we fund must meet all the reasonable and necessary criteria before we can include it in your plan.

This page current as of
31 October 2024
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