On this page:
- What housing and community infrastructure supports are not NDIS supports?
- Examples of supports the housing and community infrastructure supports that are not NDIS supports
- What are we responsible for?
- Examples of supports that may be NDIS supports
- Example
Housing includes things like making sure you have a home to live in, that suits your needs. It could be social housing, including public and community housing.
Community infrastructure means things like public buildings and public places.
The housing and community infrastructure system includes:
- social housing authorities
- government agencies responsible for affordable housing and homelessness
- local councils and other governments responsible for town and city planning.
When we say housing, we mean the building itself, like a house or apartment. This doesn’t include the supports you can get in your home, like support workers. For more information on the supports you can get in your home, check out our guidelines for home and living supports.
When we say reasonable adjustment, this means reasonable changes that services need to make so they’re accessible for people with disability.
There are very limited situations where the NDIS funds housing. The housing and community infrastructure system is primarily responsible for housing and homelessness services.