We need to be satisfied that the support will help you pursue the goals, objectives and aspirations in your plan. This helps us determine if the support is necessary.
While we only fund supports that help you pursue your goals, objectives and aspirations, we understand that different people express themselves in different ways.
Reasonable and necessary supports should help you pursue your goals, but you don’t need a specific goal for every support in your plan.
When we decide if a support will help you pursue your goals, we consider your whole situation.
We look at how a support will address your disability support needs, and the disability specific barriers that prevent you from pursuing your goals.
A support that addresses your disability related support needs is most likely to help you pursue your goals, objectives and aspirations in your plan.
This means that if your goal is to ‘live independently’, we may fund home modifications that address your disability related needs.
However, we won’t fund supports that aren’t NDIS supports, including day-to day-living costs like rent or utilities. These costs aren’t incurred solely and directly because of your disability support needs, so they don’t meet other funding criteria.
Also, choosing a different goal ‘to have a more accessible home’ won’t change the supports we could fund in your plan.
Achieving goals usually takes many different kinds of supports. NDIS supports will most likely be just one kind of support that helps you work toward your goals.
Learn more about setting your goals in Creating Your Plan and the Setting Goals fact sheet .
Morgan is ready to look for work and they have a goal in their plan to get a job. They have built up their skills and know the type of work they want to do. Disability Employment Services are helping Morgan find work, so we can’t fund this support for Morgan.
However, because of their disability, Morgan will need personal care supports to help them get ready for work in the morning. We will consider:
- how Morgan’s disability support needs relate to their goals
- if funding NDIS supports that address these disability support needs will help Morgan pursue their goals.
Morgan’s planner determines the personal care supports meet this criteria. The supports that address their personal care needs will help Morgan to pursue their employment goals.
Morgan’s planner then needs to look at if the support meets the other NDIS funding criteria. In this case Morgan does get personal care in their plan.
Morgan doesn’t have a job yet but will need personal care support to help them get ready to look for work. Morgan will also be able to use these supports when they get a job.
We don’t fund all the supports that relate to Morgan’s employment goals. We only fund the supports we consider are reasonable and necessary – that is, when they meet all the NDIS funding criteria.