A support will only be an NDIS support for you if either:

  • the Rules say that the support is an NDIS support for everyone, or
  • the Rules say that the support is only for a specific group of people, and you are part of that group. 

NDIS supports are the services, items, and equipment that can be funded under the NDIS.

Remember, we can only fund a support if it is:

  • an NDIS support for you
  • necessary for your impairments that meet the disability or early intervention requirements, or both. 

Go to NDIS supports to find more information on what is and isn’t an NDIS support.


Max has a spinal cord injury and uses a manual wheelchair to move around. His home has a carport at the front. The path from the carport to the front door is too narrow for his wheelchair and the uneven ground makes it unsafe for him to use his wheelchair on his own.

In Max’s planning meeting, he requests the installation of a pathway from the carport to the front door to enable safe access to his home.

Max’s planner checks that the home modifications are an NDIS support.

Because Max needs a pathway to access his house safely, the planner decides that the home modifications are an NDIS support.

This page current as of
23 October 2024
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