Is the support related to the impairments you meet the disability or early intervention requirements for, or both?

We’ll only fund a support if it relates to the impairments you meet the disability or early intervention requirements for, or both.  This means there must be a direct link between your disability support needs and the NDIS supports we fund.

We consider if the support addresses your disability support needs. Your disability support needs are those that come from, or are caused by, your disability.

For example, we don’t fund things like flights to go on a holiday or a gym membership to get fit.

This is because you’re unlikely to need these supports because of your disability support needs. They are things that all people, with or without disability, might want or need.


Alan uses a wheelchair and needs some changes to their house. They need to be able to independently use their bathroom and kitchen. They also want to set up an outdoor entertainment area for when their friends visit.

We may be able to fund home modifications so Alan can access areas of their home, including their bathroom and kitchen. They need the home modification because they can’t access those areas due to their disability.

Alan will need to pay for the outdoor entertainment area, as it’s not related to their disability.

This page current as of
23 October 2024
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