Once we have your information, we’ll record it in our system as soon as possible. This keeps your information secure.
We’ll make sure your information is accurate, up to date and complete. We’ll record information relevant to us or a decision we make.
We can only record, use or give your information to other people as part of our job. Either with your consent or if the law says that we can or must do so.
When do our staff use your information?
We use your information when we need it to do our job. This will help us connect you to supports you need.
We’ll only access your information if we need to.
For example, if you call us just to check your address is up to date, we’ll do a security check to make sure we're talking to the right person, and then only look at your address. We won’t look at any other personal information.
We try to avoid staff working with you if they know you personally. This is because it might mean they have a conflict of interest.
Sometimes we can’t avoid conflicts of interest, for example if you live in a small town. If we can’t avoid it, we’ll make sure we work with you just like we work with everyone else.
Sometimes, we also collect and use information about you to help us:
- research about the NDIS
- check how the NDIS is going, such as in our quarterly reports
- make NDIS policies.
This can help us understand how people use the NDIS, so we can continue to make it better for you and other participants.
When we use your information for research and policy, we remove details that might identify you. We won’t include your name or anything that says who you are when we publish research externally.
We have a policy about what information we will share, and how we make decisions about releasing that information. Learn more about our Public Data Sharing Policy .