Why do we ask you for information?

If you’re a participant or applying to the NDIS, we'll ask for evidence of identity and other information.

This includes:

  • your legal name, contact details, date of birth and age
  • evidence of Australian citizenship or Australian residency status
  • information and evidence about your health or disability
  • the legal name, address and contact details of your guardian or nominee
  • your Centrelink Customer Reference Number (CRN)  if you consent to this
  • bank account details, if you’d like to self-manage your NDIS funding
  • details of any supports you get now.

We ask you, your child representative, nominee or authorised representative for this information. We need it to help us to:

Sometimes we'll need to ask your service providers or family for this information.

Learn more about who we can ask for your information.

How will we ask you for your information?

When we ask you, or your nominee or your child representative, for your personal information, it could be:

  • in person, for example in your planning meeting
  • over the phone
  • by post
  • by email or other electronic communication, such as a video conference.
  • in the Access Request Form when applying to become a participant of the NDIS

When we ask for your information, we’ll let you know:

  • why we’re collecting it
  • if we need to give it to another person or organisation
  • what it will mean if you don’t give us the information
  • how to make a complaint if you’re not happy with our service, and how we deal with complaints.

How much of your personal information will we need?

We only ask for the personal information we need to do our job. For example, if you’re a participant or applying to become one, we’ll only ask for the information we need.

This might be to check that you’re eligible for the NDIS, or to create, or review your plan.

When we’re checking your identity, we’ll record the type of document and keep a copy.

If you or someone else gives us information that isn’t relevant or needed, we might not record it.

This means if we don’t need a copy of a full document, we might:

  • write down the information we need from a document
  • copy the pages we need from a document
  • blank out the parts of the document we don’t need when we copy it.

For example, we might ask for a report from your doctor about your support needs. If you give us a long report with other information we don’t need, we’ll just copy the pages about your support needs.

This page current as of
11 November 2024
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