What if you update your name, pronouns or information about your gender?

If you update your name, pronouns or information about your gender, you can let us know when you speak to us or by using below form:

If you update your legal name, you will need to let us know. We’ll ask for evidence of your updated name.

We'll do this so that we can check you are who you say you are.

We call this confirming your identity. We must confirm your identity for your new legal name, and we'll ask you for a linking document.

If you aren’t updating your legal name, you can still tell us your preferred name at any time.

We need to know what name you use, so that we can be respectful to you by using your preferred name when we speak with you.

It is important to know there are times when we'll still use your legal name. We'll use your legal name when we:

  • confirm your identity
  • complete a security check to make sure we are speaking with the right person.

We’ll do our best to make sure your preferred name is printed on your plan and any letters that we send you. If you’ve received a plan or letter using your legal name, please let our staff know so we can make sure this mistake doesn’t happen again.

What if you update information about your gender or pronouns?

We’ll update information about your gender or pronouns in our records if requested. We’ll make sure we treat you with respect and in a way that maintains your dignity. We'll use your correct pronouns and gender when we speak with you.

If you ask us to update your name, pronouns, or information about your gender, we must respond within 30 days.

These updates will not impact your eligibility for the NDIS or your NDIS plan.

To learn more about updating your name, pronouns or information about your gender check out our factsheet:

This page current as of
7 November 2024
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