The Australian health system provides continence support services that are available to everyone, whether or not they have a disability.
The Government and community services must make sure all Australians, including people with disability, have access to their supports.
We call these supports mainstream and community supports.
The NDIS was set up to work alongside government and community services, not replace them.
Learn more about Mainstream and community supports.
What support can you get through the Continence Aids Payment Scheme?
If you have permanent and severe incontinence, the Continence Aids Payment Scheme may help you pay for some of the continence products you use.
If you’re eligible for the Continence Aids Payment Scheme, you’ll get a yearly payment to help you meet your continence support needs.
Learn more and apply for this payment at Continence Aids Payment Scheme .
If you have continence supports funded in your NDIS plan, you won’t generally be eligible for funding under the Continence Aids Payment Scheme.
You can also contact the National Continence Helpline for information, advice and support about incontinence from a nurse continence specialist.
This free and confidential Helpline is run by the Australian Department of Health.
What support can you get through Medicare?
Medicare helps all Australians with the costs of their health care. This includes funding for services to test and diagnose incontinence, and continence supports while you’re in hospital.
Medicare may also fund some short term supports you get from allied health professionals.
Learn more about Medicare .
What support can you get through the Pharmaceutical Benefits Scheme?
You may need medications to help you deal with your continence needs, including suppositories and enemas.
The Pharmaceutical Benefits Scheme provides funding for most medications, so we don’t fund them. If you need any medication, you should speak to your doctor or pharmacist.
Learn more about the Pharmaceutical Benefits Scheme .
What support can you get if you have a stoma?
If you have a stoma, the Stoma Appliance Scheme (SAS) offers free stoma products and appliances you might need.
TheAustralian Council of Stoma Associations has information about how to apply to the SAS.
Once you’re a member of a stoma association, you can get stoma products and appliances through the SAS.