We can consider funding the extra NDIS supports you need at university, TAFE, during an apprenticeship or other training because of your disability.
The NDIS supports should allow you to go about your daily activities.
This might include:
- personal care supports while you’re at university, TAFE or undertaking approved placements
- transport to and from university or TAFE, if you can’t drive or use public transport
- training for university, TAFE or employers (during placements) about your support needs
- personal care supports to take part in specific projects run by the university for people with disabilities.
We don’t fund supports your university or TAFE need to provide as a ‘reasonable adjustment’, or anything as part of usual teaching. We also don’t fund things everyone has to pay for themselves.
For example, we don’t fund:
- changes to the buildings to make sure you can access them, like ramps
- changes to your learning materials to make sure it suits your needs
- textbooks or general equipment you need for your education or training
- course fees.
For more information, go to Our Guideline – Mainstream and community supports.
You should talk to your my NDIS contact or support coordinator about help available in your local area. There are lots of different support programs available.
Many universities have mentors and other help to support students with disability.