What if you’re finishing school (or just finished) and want to build your work skills?

Leaving school is a big step in your life. It’s important to think about your work goals during your last few years of school and as you get close to the end of school.

School Leaver Employment Supports are NDIS supports that can help you get ready for work when you leave school.

They can give you the chance to test different types of work, learn how to follow work tasks or how to behave at work.

School Leaver Employment Supports might be right for you if:

  • you’re finishing school, or you recently finished school
  • you want to start working
  • you need to build your skills before you can start work.

Learn more about School Leaver Employment Supports .

We usually fund School Leaver Employment Supports if you:

  • need to build your job skills and gain practical experience before you’re ready to look for work
  • are old enough to leave school or have already left school and are aged 22 or under (and haven’t got a job). There are different rules in each state or territory about when you can leave school.

If you’re over 22, learn more about what we can fund to help you find a job.

If we fund School Leaver Employment Supports in your NDIS plan, we include it in the Capacity Building – Employment budget.

This page current as of
10 December 2024
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