What happens after I have had a change to my plan?

After we decide to change your plan, you’ll get a copy of your plan and a letter with the reasons for the decision we made. If your plan was varied, you’ll get a copy of your varied plan within 7 days of the day the variation to your plan starts.  

If we approved a new plan, you’ll get a copy within 7 days of your plan being approved. 

Your local area coordinator, early childhood partner or support coordinator can help you start using your plan. For example, they can explain the NDIS supports in your plan, help you connect with supports outside the NDIS, and help you find service providers.

Learn more about your plan.

What if I'm not happy with my plan?

If you’re not happy with your new plan, you should talk to your my NDIS contact. They may be able to explain the decision, clarify how you can use the funding, or help you fix any problems. If you’d like more details about the supports that make up your plan’s total funding amount, we can send this to you. You can contact us and ask for a funding breakdown.

This could be when you get your varied plan or when we meet with you to approve your new plan. If you don’t agree with your new plan or varied plan, you can ask us to review our decision.

We call this process an internal review.  

This means another one of our staff, who wasn’t involved in the original decision, will look at whether we made the right decision.

It’s up to you to decide whether you want an internal review. We don’t decide this for you.

You need to ask for an internal review of our decision within 3 months of receiving our decision. We can’t do an internal review if you ask us after 3 months has passed. If you ask us after 3 months, we’ll let you know what other options you have. 

Learn more about reviewing our decisions.

This page current as of
27 September 2024
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