We may decide to do a CEO Initiated plan change if:
- your plan needs a variation. For example, to make changes to how your funding is managed if you, your plan nominee or plan manager have not:
- spent funding on NDIS supports
- spent funding in line with your plan
- your plan needs reassessment - for example, due to significant changes in your situation or if there is an issue with how your funding is being used.
Spending in line with your plan means only spending your funding on the supports included in your plan.
To spend in line with your plan, you need to:
- spend your funding in the way we describe. This includes any stated supports, where we describe the supports you can buy more specifically
- make sure your funding will last for the whole length of your plan
- if your plan includes funding periods and funding component amounts, make sure your funding will last for the length of each funding period.
When you buy supports in line with your plan, you need to make sure they are NDIS supports or an agreed replacement support that relate to your disability. If we decide to change your plan, we’ll let you know we’re doing this and what type of plan change we’re doing.
We must also reassess your plan before the reassessment date in your plan. We’ll write to you around 3 months before your plan reassessment date to let you know it’s coming up. We’ll confirm the check-in details in the letter. After the reassessment we may decide to approve a new plan or vary your current plan, depending on your situation. The variation to your plan, or new plan, will be prepared with you.
If you don’t agree with our decision to vary your plan, or approve a new plan, you can ask us to review this decision.
Learn more about internal reviews.
If we can’t complete the reassessment before your plan reassessment date, your current plan will continue beyond the reassessment date. We’ll write to you to let you know if this is going to happen.
Sometimes a plan will say that in certain circumstances we must reassess the plan. For example, your plan might say it needs to be reassessed once you leave school.
During your plan, we’ll check in to see how you’re going. We’ll talk with you about how the NDIS supports in your plan are meeting your needs.
We’ll check in with you:
- at regular times, for example each year
- if we think your plan might not be working for you.
Learn more about check-ins.
If the check-in shows your plan is meeting your needs, we won’t do a plan change and your current plan will continue. If we find that your plan isn’t meeting your needs, we will discuss changing your plan.
We may decide to do a plan change if we know your plan isn’t working for you. For example, you may not have the right supports you need, or you may not be using your NDIS supports.
This information might come from:
- you or someone else in your life
- your local area coordinator, early childhood partner, or support coordinator
- our system that shows how you’re using the funding in your plan.
If we think you need a change to your plan, we’ll let you know. We’ll prepare your plan with you and we might not need to ask you all the usual planning questions. Your goals can stay the same if you don’t want to change them.
If we decide to change your plan, we must provide you with a copy of your:
- varied plan within 7 days of being approved
- new plan within 7 days after your plan is approved.
There may be times where you only want to change your statement of goals and aspirations. When you do, we’ll provide you with a copy of your varied plan within 7 days of receiving your changed statement.
Learn more about how long this takes in our Participant Service Charter .