If your situation and support needs change while you’re waiting for an internal review, contact us . Depending on the changes to your situation and support needs, we may decide to do a CEO initiated plan change. You can also ask for a participant requested plan change.
If we decide to change your plan while the internal review is still being completed, our decision will form part of that internal review. This will happen automatically, and you don’t need to do anything.
Learn more about internal reviews.
What if you’re waiting for an external review decision?
If you’re a participant and your situation or disability support needs change during the external review process, contact your case manager. Your case manager is our staff member who helps us at the Tribunal. Your case manager will explain the options available to you. We may also need to let the Tribunal know what we think we should do if it might affect your external review.
You can still use the NDIS supports in your plan while the Tribunal considers your external review.
Learn more about external reviews.