How do we decide what NDIS supports to include in your plan?

We fund NDIS supports that relate to your disability. NDIS supports are the services, items and equipment we fund under the NDIS. 

These NDIS supports may help you pursue your goals,  but you don’t need a specific goal for every support in your plan.

Your NDIS supports funded in your plan need to meet all NDIS funding criteria. For example, a support will only be a reasonable and necessary support for you if:

  • it’s related to the impairments that meet the disability or early intervention requirements 
  • it’s an NDIS support. 

Learn more about how we decide what supports to include in your plan in Our Guideline – Reasonable and necessary supports.

What are informal, community and mainstream supports?

When we create your plan, we help you connect with supports and activities in your area. For example, we can help you connect with:

  • informal supports like your friends, family, or other people you know in your community. They can sometimes be your best supports. They know you and can often help in ways other supports can’t.
  • community supports that are open to everyone in the community, like sporting clubs, activity groups or libraries. They offer a wide range of services that may help with your disability support needs. They are often a great way to get involved in your local community, meet new people, and learn new skills.
  • mainstream supports - other government services such as employment, education, health, and family support services. They are available to everyone including people without disability. There are many ways they can help you. For example, they can help you learn new skills or how to live as independently as possible.

How do we include your NDIS supports in your plan?

We include your NDIS supports in funding component amounts in your plan. When we create your plan, we’ll include funding for a specific support or groups of reasonable and necessary supports in your plan.

Your plan could include one funding component or more than one funding component.

We’ll describe each NDIS support in the funding component. Learn more about funding components.

We are updating our computer systems.

Until these are finished, your funding component amounts will look the same as the support categories within the different budget types we describe below:

Core supports

These NDIS supports help you with everyday activities, like helping you to take part in activities in the community. Core supports are usually flexible. If your Core supports are flexible, you will have lots of choice over the Core supports you buy under your plan.

If your Core supports are stated, you can only use the funding to buy the approved NDIS supports in the Core supports budget. It can’t be used to pay for anything else.

If you have different plan management types for different supports within the Core supports budget, this may also reduce the flexibility of how you can use your NDIS funding.

Capacity building supports

These NDIS supports help you build your skills and increase your independence. This should reduce the need for the same level of support in the future. We’ll discuss your progress and outcomes from these supports at each plan reassessment.

Capacity building supports are stated. This means you can only use this funding to buy the NDIS supports described in the Capacity building budget.

Capital supports

These NDIS supports include high-cost assistive technology, equipment, vehicle modifications, home modifications and specialist disability accommodation.

Your capital supports are stated. This means you can only use this funding to buy the NDIS supports described in the Capital supports budget.

Recurring supports

Your funding for recurring supports will be paid regularly to your nominated bank account. This funding is not included anywhere else in your budget.

Learn more about the support budgets and support categories in your plan .

This page current as of
4 December 2024
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