How do you buy NDIS supports from providers?

This section explains:

How do you agree on NDIS supports with your service provider?

Once you’ve chosen a provider, you’ll need to contact them and agree on what NDIS supports they’ll provide.

You can negotiate with your provider about what you get from your NDIS support. For example, you can agree with your provider about:

  • what support your provider will and won’t provide
  • how much you’ll pay for the NDIS support
  • your and your provider’s responsibilities
  • how to change the agreement in the future if you or your provider want to
  • how you and your provider will resolve any issues and disputes.

Your my NDIS contact, support coordinator or recovery coach can help you negotiate with service providers.

If you want, you can put this information in a service agreement. Learn more about service agreements .

You don’t need a written service agreement for all NDIS supports. But it’s usually a good idea to have one and to record answers to the types of questions listed above. That way, it’s clear what you and your provider have agreed to. However, you must have a written service agreement for Specialist Disability Accommodation

Even though we fund the NDIS support, we’re not part of the agreement. The service agreement is between you – the consumer – and your provider. This is a legal agreement that you’re both responsible for.

What happens if your agreement doesn’t go the way you want it to?

You need to raise any problems directly with your provider. That’s why it’s important to set out your expectations and your provider’s responsibilities in your service agreement.

The Australian Consumer Law applies to service agreements. This law protects you as a consumer when you buy supports with your NDIS funding.

The Australian Competition and Consumer Commission (ACCC) has some helpful resources if you have a complaint or need advice. We also have links to other consumer resources on our website.

If you want to make a complaint about a provider, you can also contact the NDIS Quality and Safeguards Commission . The NDIS Commission can take complaints from anyone about:

  • supports that weren’t provided in a safe and respectful way
  • supports that weren’t delivered to an appropriate standard
  • how an NDIS provider managed a complaint about the supports they provided to you.
This page current as of
10 October 2024
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