What happens after your plan is approved?

Once we approve your plan, you can start using it. This means you can spend your NDIS funding on the NDIS supports set out in your plan.

NDIS laws determine what we can and can’t fund. Things we can fund are called NDIS supports. NDIS supports are the services, items and equipment that can be funded by the NDIS. You can only use the funding in your plan to buy NDIS supports if they are related to your disability and are in line with your plan. In certain circumstances, you may be able to spend your funding on a replacement support instead.  

Learn more at What does NDIS fund.

You can’t use your NDIS funding to buy supports that other government services are responsible for. We call these supports mainstream supports. For example, you can’t use your NDIS funding on general health supports like your general practitioner (GP), because the health system is responsible for these services.

We’ll send you a copy of your plan within 7 days after we approve it. You can also find your plan in the my NDIS portal and app.

If you have a nominee or child representative , with authority to manage your plan, we can send them a copy of your plan too. You can also ask us to share your plan with other people. We can only share your plan when you ask us to. Learn more about your privacy and information.

If you want to, you can show your plan to another person or someone that works with you, like a health professional. This is entirely your decision. Learn more about sharing your plan .

There may be some extra information we need before you can start claiming for NDIS supports. If you self-manage your funding , you’ll need to give us your bank account details before you can make any claims. This is so you can access your funding and pay your providers. There are also some NDIS supports where you’ll need to tell us who your chosen provider is before we can pay them. This includes telling us about your registered plan manager, if you have one.

This guideline explains how we help you to use your plan, and what NDIS supports you can buy with your funding. You can also visit our plan implementation directory for more information on how to start using your plan. For example, we have guides on how to use the my NDIS portal and app, or how to work with providers.

This page current as of
10 October 2024
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