What if you're not happy with your plan?

If you’re not happy with your current plan, you should talk to your my NDIS contact, support coordinator, or recovery coach.

They may be able to explain the decision, clarify how you can use the funding, or help you fix any problems. If you’d like more details about the supports that make up your plan’s total funding amount, we can send this to you. You can contact us and ask for a funding breakdown.

It’s a good idea to do this soon after you get your plan.

We can also give you written reasons on why we made the decision. Contact us if you’d like reasons for our decision.

If you don’t agree with our decision to approve your plan, you can ask for an internal review.

Having an internal review means someone who wasn’t involved in creating your plan will review our decision to approve your plan. They’ll consider if we made the right decision under the laws for the NDIS.

Once you get your plan, you have 3 months to ask for an internal review. 

Learn more about reviewing our decisions.

This page current as of
10 October 2024
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