New and reassessed plans approved from 3 October 2024 will include:

  • a total funding amount
  • funding component amounts
  • funding periods.

Your total funding amount is the total amount for all reasonable and necessary supports funded in your plan. We’ll call this a 'total budget amount' in your plan.

A funding component amount is the total amount of funding you have for a specific support, or a group of reasonable and necessary supports, over the full length of your plan. We’ll use support categories to describe the reasonable and necessary supports in each funding component amount. Read about how we describe the supports in your plan.

A funding period is the time that a part of your funding becomes available and how long it needs to last. You can spend up to the amount of funding available in that time. Funding periods can be for either the total funding amount of your plan or for each funding component amount in your plan.

To learn more, go to section ‘How do we include the NDIS funding in your plan?’ in Our Guideline – Creating your plan.

It’s important that you buy your NDIS supports in line with any funding component amounts and funding periods in your plan. That means that your funding can only be used to purchase the particular supports, or group of supports, that are included.

You can’t spend the funding from a funding component amount:

  • on supports that are included in your plan in another funding component amount
  • on supports that are not included in your plan and are not NDIS supports.


Alex receives their first plan. The plan goes for 12 months and has a total funding amount of $50,000. Their plan includes reasonable and necessary supports to help them with their everyday tasks, as well as funding to buy assistive technology so they can navigate around their house independently.

We decide to group Alex’s plan into 2 funding component amounts. The first funding component amount of $40,000 includes funding for NDIS supports for everyday tasks. We describe these supports as flexible, so Alex can decide how to spend their funding in a way that works for them.

Alex has told us that they want to self-manage their funding, but they’re worried about using too much funding while they learn to use their plan. To help Alex make sure they’ll have enough funding for the full length of their plan, we give them shorter funding periods of 3 months. We divide the funding evenly, so Alex will have to access $10,000 every 3 months for their everyday NDIS supports.

Alex knows that any funding they don’t spend in the first 3 months of their plan will be carried forward into their next funding period, and they know when they’ll be able to access the next portion of their funding.

The second funding component amount in Alex’s plan is for their assistive technology. They have $10,000 for this funding component amount. We expect Alex will use most of this funding towards the start of their plan, so they can use it to buy the assistive technology they need. We decide that this funding component amount will only have one funding period that lasts for the whole 12 months of their plan.

This page current as of
10 October 2024
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