The funding in your plan must be spent on the supports described in each support budget in your plan. We’ll explain the types of supports included in each budget in your plan, so you know how to use your NDIS funding.
Sometimes things can go wrong, or you find something’s not right. This can include things like not getting the support you agreed to or providers claiming more than you agreed to.
We understand most people try to do the right thing, but sometimes make mistakes. We want to help you to do the right thing when you claim from your plan.
If you think your registered plan manager or provider has made a mistake with a claim, contact them as soon as you can. If you don’t feel okay talking to your registered plan manager or provider, talk to someone you trust. They may be able to support you to resolve your concern. If you can’t resolve the issue, you can contact us.
If we think there’s a problem with how your plan is being used, we may need to investigate it. For example, we may check what supports have been bought with your funding or ask for evidence such as a receipt.
If you spend funding on supports that aren’t set out in your plan, you’ll owe us a debt. This means we’ll need to be repaid the amount of money spent on supports that weren’t in your plan.
Remember, NDIS funding is for disability-related supports only. It’s not intended to be a source of general income, or to be used for day-to-day living costs like rent.
If you think someone might be doing the wrong thing or committing fraud, you should report it. Fraud might include:
- charging for supports you didn’t get
- charging for more support than you get.
The best way to report suspected fraud is to call the NDIS Fraud Reporting Hotline on 1800 650 717.
You can find out more about fraud on our website.