When can't you use your plan?

Sometimes we may need to suspend your plan. This means your plan will continue, but you won’t be able to use your NDIS supports for a period of time.

We’ll suspend your plan after:

We’ll let you know if we’re going to suspend your plan.

If you go overseas, you can still use your supports and funding for up to 6 weeks (or longer if we give you more time). We call this a ‘grace period’.

You’ll probably need to have your funding self-managed or plan-managed if you need to use your funding overseas. This is because your registered NDIS providers usually don’t support people in other countries. You’ll also need to claim your funding in Australian dollars.

If you need to change your plan management while you’re overseas, let us know and we can change your plan .

What happens if we suspend your plan?

We can’t pay any funding for NDIS supports while your plan is suspended. Your service providers also won’t be able to claim for services provided to you.

You can’t ask for a change to your plan while your plan is suspended.

An early childhood partner or local area coordinator also doesn’t need to help you connect to other services while your plan is suspended. But we can still do this if we think it’s appropriate.

When we suspend your plan, we’ll send you a new plan that shows your funding is suspended. This plan will have no NDIS supports.

If we suspend your plan while you’re overseas, we’ll create a new plan once you return to Australia. This means you can start using it again.

And if we suspend your plan because you haven’t claimed compensation, we’ll also create a new plan once you take action to claim it.

What if you don’t agree with your plan suspension?

If we decide not to extend the grace period to use your funding overseas and you don’t agree, you can ask for an internal review. You’ll need to ask for an internal review within 3 months after we decide not to extend the grace period. 

You can’t ask for an internal review if we suspend your plan because you haven’t claimed compensation.

Learn more about internal reviews.

This page current as of
10 October 2024
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