The NDIA is co-designing a new overarching home and living policy, in partnership with participants and the sector. We have already started work on this through phase 1 of our home and living consultation paper which closed in September 2021.
While we work on the longer term solutions, we still need to make reasonable and necessary decisions on home and living supports for participants.
As a result, the NDIA will take a number of interim steps to improve the current experience for participants and providers. This includes:
- Updating our operational guidelines to ensure they better describe how we make reasonable and necessary decisions
- Improving how we engage with participants and providers to communicate our home and living decisions
We will continue to work together with people with disability, the Independent Advisory Council and its Reference Groups, and the disability sector to get our approach to home and living right.
Home and living supports
There are several different types of supports we might include in your plan when you need home and living support. These include:
Different types of home and living supports will suit different people. Supported independent living is only one of many support options. There may be other home and living options that better suit your needs and preferences.
We want to provide the best option for support in your home, now and in the longer term. We can help explain the different home and living supports and work with you to find the best mix of supports that will help you live as independently as possible. Contact us if you want more information on the different kinds of home and living supports that might suit you.
If you have a goal about home and living in your plan, we may be able to fund home and living supports. We will need to get information about your current and future needs. This helps us work out what home and living supports we can fund.
Remember there are principles we must follow when we create your plan. Each support must meet the NDIS funding criteria, as well as your total package of supports.