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We are updating information on this website to reflect new
NDIS legislation
. Information on some pages may change.
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Our Guidelines
Our Guidelines
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Community connections
Becoming a participant
How NDIS supports work
Supports you can access
Early childhood
Having someone represent you
Your plan
Reviewing a decision
Would we fund it
Would we fund it
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What does NDIS fund?
Assistive technologies
Improved health and wellbeing
Early childhood
Home and living supports
Interacting with mainstream supports
Understanding supports
Understanding supports
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Children who are deaf or hard of hearing
Social and Community Participation
Employment supports
Supporting your child with assistive technology
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Front page
Front page of
Our Guidelines
Home and living supports
Specialist Disability Accommodation
What is specialist disability accommodation?
Are you eligible for specialist disability accommodation?
Do you have an extreme functional impairment or very high support needs?
Do you have a specialist disability accommodation needs requirement?
Does specialist disability accommodation meet the NDIS funding criteria for you?
What kind of specialist disability accommodation will we fund?
What are the specialist disability accommodation design categories?
What are the specialist disability accommodation building types?
Where do you want to live?
How do you get specialist disability accommodation in your plan?
How do you find the right specialist disability accommodation for you?
How do you use your specialist disability accommodation budget?
How do you find specialist disability accommodation vacancies?
How do you make an agreement with a specialist disability accommodation provider?
How can providers enrol dwellings as specialist disability accommodation?
What are the conditions of enrolment for providers?
What happens after enrolment?
How do providers use the specialist disability accommodation finder to list a vacancy?
Supported Independent Living
What is supported independent living?
What does supported independent living include and not include?
Is supported independent living suitable for you?
What information do we look at when we decide if we'll fund supported independent living?
How do we decide how much supported independent living support you get?
How do you get supported independent living in your plan?
What happens once supported independent living is in your plan?
Short Term Accommodation or Respite
What is Short Term Accommodation, including respite?
How do we make decisions about short term accommodation
Do we expect family and informal supports to provide care for you?
How do you get Short Term Accommodation in your plan?
Medium term accommodation
What is medium term accommodation?
Are you eligible for medium term accommodation?
Does medium term accommodation meet the NDIS funding criteria?
How much do we fund for medium term accommodation?
How do you get medium term accommodation in your plan?
Younger people in residential aged care
What do we mean when we talk about younger people in residential aged care?
How do you get access to the NDIS as a younger person in residential aged care?
What residential aged care fees and charges do we fund?
What NDIS supports can we fund?
What happens once NDIS supports are in your plan?
What if you have a concern about the care you are receiving?
What aged care fees and charges can we fund?
Individualised living options
What is an individualised living option?
Is an individualised living option right for you?
How do we fund an individualised living option?
What is Stage 1: Exploration and Design?
What is Stage 2: individualised living option supports?
How do we decide if we can fund an individualised living option and how much support you need?
Stage 1: Exploration and Design
Stage 2: individualised living option supports
Managing your individualised living option funding
What happens once you have ILO supports in your plan?
Home modifications
What do we mean by home modifications?
What home modifications do we fund?
Is the home modification an NDIS support for you?
Is the home modification value for money?
Can we help you move to a more accessible home?
How do we fund home modifications?
How can you get home modifications in your plan?
How can you get minor home modifications in your plan?
How can you get complex home modifications in your plan?
How can you use your home modifications funding?
What are your responsibilities for permits and approvals?
Can you add to your home modifications?
What if things don't go how you want?
What if you don't agree with our decision?
Providers and their roles
Social and community participation
Social and recreation support
What do we mean by social and recreation support?
How do we decide if social and recreation support is reasonable and necessary for you?
Do we expect your family, friends or the community to provide the social and recreation support?
How do you get social and recreation supports in your plan?
What happens once you have social and recreation support in your plan?
Work and study supports
What do we mean by work and study support?
How do we decide if work and study supports meet the NDIS funding criteria?
What work or study NDIS supports do we fund?
What can we fund when you’re at school?
What if you’re finishing school (or just finished) and want to build your work skills?
What can we fund if you’re in university or other training?
What if you’ve only just started thinking about work?
What if you’re ready to start work?
What if you already have a job?
How do you get work and study supports in your plan?
Equipment and technology
Assistance animals including dog guides
What’s an assistance animal?
How do we decide if we fund an assistance animal?
Does an assistance animal help you pursue your goals?
Is an assistance animal value for money?
Is an assistance animal effective and beneficial for you?
What is the role of families, carers, informal networks and the community?
Does an assistance animal relate to your disability?
Will the assistance animal cause harm to you or be a risk to others?
Does the assistance animal meet Commonwealth, state and territory laws?
What if you already have an assistance animal before your plan is approved?
What information do we need to decide if we can fund an assistance animal?
How do you get funding for an assistance animal in your plan?
What happens once you have an assistance animal?
Assistive Technology
What do we mean by assistive technology?
What assistive technology do we fund?
How do we fund assistive technology?
How can you get assistive technology in your plan?
What do you need to do before you buy your assistive technology?
What do we mean by advice or an assessment?
How do you start using your assistive technology?
What other assistive technology costs do we fund?
What if you need to rent assistive technology items?
What if you need to replace the assistive technology?
What happens if you don’t agree with our decision?
Assistive technology product risk table
Vehicle modifications and driving supports
What do we mean by vehicle modifications and driving supports?
What vehicle modifications and driving supports do we fund?
Are the vehicle modifications and driving supports effective and beneficial for you?
Are the vehicle modifications and driving supports value for money?
Is the vehicle modification better funded or provided by another service or organisation?
Are you buying a second hand vehicle that has already been modified?
How do you get vehicle modifications and driving supports in your plan?
Low, Mid, High cost assistive technology
Will you be driving the vehicle?
What happens once you have funding for vehicle modifications and driving supports in your plan?
What if you don’t agree with our decision?
Disability-related health supports
What do we mean by disability-related health supports?
What help can you get through the health system or other services?
How do we decide what disability-related health supports we fund?
What if you need someone with specific training to provide the NDIS support you need?
What level of support do you need?
How can you get disability-related health supports if you already have a plan?
What happens once you have disability-related health supports in your plan?
Continence Supports
What do we mean by continence supports?
What help can you get to manage incontinence through the health system or other services?
How do we decide what continence supports we fund?
What types of continence supports do we fund?
How do you get continence supports in your plan?
What happens once you have continence support funding in your plan?
Community connections
What do we mean by community connections?
How do you get community connections?
What type of community connections are available?
What do community connections look like?
What happens after community connections?
Diabetes management supports
What do we mean by diabetes management supports?
What help can you get to manage your diabetes through the health system or other services?
How do we decide what diabetes management supports we fund?
What types of diabetes management supports do we fund?
What supports can you get for children?
How do you get diabetes management supports in your plan?
What happens once you have diabetes management supports in your plan?
Becoming a participant
Applying to the NDIS
What do we mean by applying to the NDIS?
Do you meet the age requirements?
Do you meet the residence requirements?
Do you meet the disability requirements?
Does your impairment substantially reduce your functional capacity?
Does your impairment affect your social, work or study life?
Do you need early intervention?
How will early intervention help you?
What about children younger than 6 with developmental delay?
How do we work out if the child meets the criteria for developmental delay?
How do you apply to the NDIS?
How do we check your application?
How do we decide if you’re eligible?
What happens after we decide?
What happens if you’re not eligible?
List A: Conditions that are likely to meet the disability requirements
List B: Conditions that are likely to result in a permanent impairment
List C: What if you’re receiving disability support in Western Australia?
List D: Permanent impairment/Early intervention, under 7 years. No further assessment required.
When do we make priority eligibility decisions?
How do we weigh evidence of disability?
Leaving the NDIS
What do we mean by leaving the NDIS?
What if you don't want to be an NDIS participant anymore?
What if I start getting supports from aged care services?
What if you were already in residential aged care before you turned 65?
What if you start getting home care services from the aged care system?
Are you still eligible for the NDIS?
What happens when a child with developmental delay turns 6 years old?
What happens if we check your NDIS eligibility?
How much time will you have to give us more information?
How do we decide if you're still eligible for the NDIS?
What if you don't agree with our decision?
What happens after you leave the NDIS?
What happens when a participant dies?
What happens to a participant's NDIS funded supports when they die?
What happens to a participant's assistive technology?
What happens to a participant's home and vehicle modifications?
What can service providers claim?
Do we disclose information about a participant's death?
New South Wales prescribed programs
Dysphagia supports
What do we mean by dysphagia supports?
What help can you get to manage your dysphagia through the health system or other services?
How do we decide what dysphagia supports we fund?
What types of dysphagia supports do we fund?
What if you need low-cost assistive technology?
How do you get dysphagia supports in your plan?
What happens once you have dysphagia supports in your plan?
How NDIS supports work
Supports you can access
Early childhood
Having someone represent you
Appointing a nominee
Do you need help to make your NDIS decisions?
What types of nominees are there?
Who can be your nominee?
What do we consider when appointing a nominee?
What are the duties of a nominee?
How do you get a nominee?
What do we share with your nominee?
What do we need your nominee to share with us?
When would a nominee appointment be cancelled or suspended?
What if you don’t agree with a decision we make?
Child representatives
What is a child representative and what do they do?
Can a child have more than one child representative?
What does a child representative do?
Who can be a child representative?
What if the child is living in out-of-home care?
Can we appoint someone with parental responsibility as the child representative instead of the guardian?
Can we appoint someone else who doesn’t have parental responsibility to be the child representative?
When would we decide to change or appoint a different child representative?
Can a child represent themselves?
How do I become a child representative?
What happens after we make a decision about a child representative?
What if you don’t agree with a decision we have made about a child representative?
Nutrition supports including meal preparation
What do we mean by nutrition supports?
What help can you get to manage nutrition supports through the health system or other services?
How do we decide what nutrition supports we fund?
What types of nutrition supports do we fund?
What if you need help to prepare meals?
How can I use my meal preparation support flexibly?
How do you get nutrition supports in your plan?
What happens once you have nutrition supports in your plan?
Your plan
Reviewing a decision
Reviewing our decisions
What if you don’t agree with a decision we make?
What are internal and external reviews?
How can you ask for an internal review?
Who can ask for an internal review?
How do you ask for an internal review?
What if you don’t want an internal review anymore?
What happens during an internal review?
How long will your internal review take?
What if you need a change to your current plan, while we are completing your internal review?
What happens if we make a second decision to approve a new plan, or vary your current plan, before your internal review is complete?
What if we approve a new plan, or vary your current plan, after your internal review is complete?
What internal review decisions can we make?
What happens after we make the internal review decision?
How can you ask for an external review?
What happens during an external review?
What’s our role and how can we support you at the Tribunal?
What if your situation changes while waiting for the external review?
What if we approve a new plan or vary your current plan before the AAT completes their external review?
Can we make an agreement together instead of waiting for a Tribunal decision?
What external review decisions can the Tribunal make?
What happens after the Tribunal makes its decision?
What decisions can we review?
Podiatry and foot care supports
What do we mean by podiatry and foot care supports?
What help can you get to manage foot care through the health system or other services?
How do we decide what podiatry and foot care supports we fund?
What types of podiatry and foot care supports do we fund?
How do you get podiatry and foot care supports in your plan?
What happens after you have podiatry and foot care supports in your plan?
Wound and Pressure Care Supports
What do we mean by wound and pressure care supports?
What help can you get to manage your wound and pressure care through the health system or other services?
How do we decide what wound and pressure care supports we fund?
What types of wound and pressure care supports do we fund?
What if you need help to manage lymphoedema?
How do you get wound and pressure care supports in your plan?
What happens once you have wound and pressure care supports in your plan?
Would we fund it
What does NDIS fund?
Assistive technologies
Funding for vehicles
Modified vehicle repairs and maintenance
Previously installed vehicle modifications
Non-standard mattresses
Larger bed sizes
Wheelchair modifications
Sensory equipment
Smart devices - tablets
Specialised footwear
Household items
Recliners and lift chairs
Assistance animals
Mobile phones
Pets and companion animals
Therapy animals
Smoke alarm supports
Smoke alarm supports for children who are deaf or hard of hearing
Smoke alarm supports for adults who are deaf or hard of hearing
Improved health and wellbeing
Swimming lessons in early childhood
Gym membership
Food and meal preparation
Mental health supports
Early childhood continence consumables
Continence consumables
Enteral feeding
Changing your plan
What do we mean by changing your plan?
How can I ask for a change to my plan?
What happens after I request a change to my plan?
When do we decide to change your plan?
How do we make a change to your plan?
How can I prepare for my plan change?
When would we decide not to change your plan?
What if you’re waiting for an internal review decision?
What happens after I have had a change to my plan?
Creating your plan
What is an NDIS plan
How do we create your plan?
What information do we look at?
How do you set the goals in your plan?
How do we think about risks when we create your plan?
How do we decide what NDIS supports to include in your plan?
How do we include the NDIS funding in your plan?
What are your options for managing your funding?
What does it mean to self-manage your funding?
When can’t you self-manage your funding?
What supports or strategies can we use to reduce risks?
What does it mean when a registered plan manager manages your funding?
How long will your plan go for?
When will we approve your plan?
What happens once you have your plan?
Early childhood approach
What is early childhood intervention?
How do we work with young children and their families?
What is the aim of our early childhood approach?
What does the early childhood approach look like?
What is an early childhood partner?
Early childhood
Early connections
What do we mean by early connections?
How do you get early connections?
How do early childhood partners work out the types of early connections suitable for your child?
What types of early connections are available?
Connections with mainstream and community services
Connections to practical information that’s relevant to your child’s development
Connections with other families for peer support
Connections with early supports
Connections to apply to the NDIS
What happens after early connections?
Home and living supports
Funding for one participant who needs two bedrooms
In home support at a 2:1 ratio
Home and living funding for a participant with a degenerative condition
Support to live alone
Home modifications
Home automation
Modifications to a new house build
Moving house
Individualised living options
Interacting with mainstream supports
Supports in a justice setting
Disability supports and community supervision
Nursing in the home
Services if you’re in hospital
Supports for participants in residential aged care facilities
Wound care supports
Mainstream and community supports
What are mainstream and community supports?
How do we work out who should fund or provide your supports?
Who is responsible for the supports you need?
Mental health and psychosocial disability
Hospital discharge
Early childhood development
Child protection and family support
School education
Higher education and vocational education and training
Housing and community infrastructure
Aged care
What NDIS supports will we include in your plan?
Your plan
What happens after your plan is approved?
How can we help you start using your plan?
How can we help you connect with informal, community and mainstream supports?
How can we help you find service providers?
What supports can you buy with your NDIS funding?
How is the funding in your plan organised?
How do we describe the supports in your plan?
How do you buy NDIS supports from providers?
When do you need to use registered NDIS providers?
How much will we pay for each NDIS support?
What happens if you buy supports that aren't in your plan?
What happens during your plan?
How will we check-in with you during your plan?
What if your situation changes during your plan?
When can't you use your plan?
When can you use your plan outside Australia for more than 6 weeks?
What if you're not happy with your plan?
Your privacy and information
What do we mean by privacy and information handling?
Why do we ask you for information?
Do you have to give us the information we ask for?
What if you update your name, pronouns or information about your gender?
Do we need your consent to ask other people for your information?
What do we do with your information?
When do we give your information to other people?
What happens if we don’t follow these rules when we deal with your information?
What if you need extra privacy protections (restricted access)?
Can you ask for the information we keep about you?
What principles do we follow to create your plan?
What supports can we fund?
What supports don’t we fund?
How do we manage the financial sustainability of the NDIS?
What principles do we use to create your plan?
Fair for everyone, both today and for future generations
Fair funding to pursue your goals
Evidence-based best practice
Fair early investments and fair support across service systems
Fair supports for your disability needs
Fair assistance from multiple programs
Reasonable and necessary supports
What are reasonable and necessary supports
How do we make decisions about what is reasonable and necessary?
Does the support meet the reasonable and necessary criteria?
Is the support related to the impairments you meet the disability or early intervention requirements for, or both?
Does the support help you pursue your goals?
Does the support help you do activities that will help your social and economic participation?
Is the support value for money?
Is the support effective and beneficial?
Is the support something we would expect your informal supports to provide?
Is the support an NDIS support for you?
What types of supports can’t be funded or provided under the NDIS?
What else do you need to know about deciding if supports meet the NDIS funding criteria?
How do we include reasonable and necessary support in your plan?
What if you don’t agree with our decision?
Justice system
What do we mean by the justice system?
Can you apply to the NDIS if you’re involved in the justice system?
How do we create and reassess your plan if you're involved in the justice system
Who funds the supports you need when you’re in custody?
Who funds the supports you need when you’re not in custody?
What happens after we approve your plan?
Understanding supports
Children who are deaf or hard of hearing
Developing your child’s communication and language
Developing your family’s knowledge and skills
Supporting your child’s social-emotional wellbeing
Social and Community Participation
Getting ready for social and community participation
Connecting with social and community activities
Staying connected with social and community activities
Employment supports
Developing a pathway to work
Moving from school to work
Getting a job
Thinking about self employment
Keeping a job
Changing jobs
Supporting your child with assistive technology
Supporting your child's communication with assistive technology
Supporting your child’s mobility with assistive technology
Supporting your child at home and in the community with assistive technology
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