Continence consumables

Note: when we say ‘disability support needs’, we mean supports you need for the impairments that meet the disability or early intervention requirements, or both.

Case example

Roger’s disability means he needs to use single-use disposable urinary catheters.

Would we fund this?

Yes, we would typically fund urinary catheters and continence consumables. This expense is likely to meet our NDIS funding criteria. Roger would need to give us evidence the expense relates to his regular disability support needs.

Why would we fund this?

NDIS laws determine what we can and can’t fund. Things we can fund are called NDIS supports. You can use the funding in your plan to buy NDIS supports if they are related to your disability and are in-line with your plan.

To work out whether a support is an NDIS support, we would consider the information you give us against the NDIS funding criteria. We would also need some evidence, such as assessment from a registered nurse, to show you need the support for your disability.

This evidence needs to show:

  • you need disposable urinary catheters or continence consumables for your disability support needs
  • the annual costs for your disposable urinary catheters and continence consumables are based on quotes from local suppliers
  • whether you need other related supports. This may include training by a continence nurse for how to manage continence supports yourself, or funding for a support worker to help you with your daily continence needs.

What else do we think about?

We might also provide funding for:

  • mattress protectors
  • continence pads or absorbent pull-ups or briefs
  • continence aids, such as change kits
  • support workers to help with your continence needs if you are unable to do them independently.

We calculate the funding allowance for urinary catheters and continence consumables on a per-day basis in line with your needs. We assess quotes to decide if the consumables you ask for are:

  • appropriate
  • value for money.

Case example

Aamira has spina bifida which has caused a neurogenic bladder disorder. She needs to use a urinary catheter to empty her bladder. Aamira uses single-use catheters and other continence consumables such as absorbent pull-ups or briefs.

To support Aamira’s funding request, the spinal nurse advisor gives us a breakdown of Aamira’s continence needs as well as quotes from several local suppliers.

To work out whether the funding for the single-use catheters and other continence consumables is reasonable and necessary, the planner considers the nurse advisor’s information and recommendation against the NDIS funding criteria.

In Aamira’s case, the planner decides:

  • Aamira needs the support solely and directly because of her disability
  • she needs the supports regularly
  • the nurse advisor’s evidence and recommendations appear appropriate
  • the quotes are value for money.

The planner decides that Aamira’s funding request is reasonable and necessary. We approve funding for her to buy urinary catheters and continence consumables. We recommended Aamira buys the catheters and consumables on a month-by-month basis, so she has the right amount and her stock doesn’t run out.

For more information, go to:

This page current as of
13 November 2024
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