We're updating this guideline with new legislation
Here's what's changed:
- How and when changes can be made to your total funding amount, funding components and the funding periods once these are in your plan.
- If you don't spend your funding in the right way, we may make changes to the way your plan is managed.
Please download the guideline for the latest information, while we update the website over the coming weeks.
Changing your plan
Your plan may need to be changed for many reasons. If your situation changes, your disability support needs may change. You might need more supports, fewer supports, or different supports. There are different ways we can change your plan. In certain situations, we might be able to vary your current plan. If major changes are needed, we’ll complete a plan reassessment, and you’ll get a new plan. We used to call this a plan review.
We’ll check in with you during your plan to see if you need any changes to your plan. We’ll talk with you about your situation and look at any information you have given us to work out if a change is needed. If it is, we’ll then decide what type of change we need to do. You can ask us for a change to your plan at any time or we could decide to do this. If you want us to review a decision we have already made about your plan, talk to us first. A plan change isn’t used to review any of our decisions.
We’ll work with you to make any changes to your plan. We’ll talk with you about your situation to work out what change is needed. We’ll then either update your plan or create a new plan. We still need to follow the laws for the NDIS that apply when making a change to your plan. For example, any changes to the reasonable and necessary supports in your plan must meet the NDIS funding criteria.
- When we say ‘your plan’ we mean your NDIS plan.
- As part of the recent changes to the NDIS laws we are moving towards a new framework for planning. Rules need to be developed for this new framework. We’re working on how and when we’ll introduce these changes.
- Until then, all current plans will be known as 'old framework' plans, and we will continue to develop these until all participants have transitioned to the new framework. The information in this Our Guideline is about our ‘old framework’ plans which includes the recent changes to the NDIS laws.
- When we say disability support needs, we mean supports you need for the impairments that meet the disability or early intervention requirements, or both.
- If you’re aged between 9 and 65 years and are looking for information about community connections, go to Our Guideline – Community Connections.
- If your child is younger than 9 and you’re looking for information about early connections, go to Our Guideline – Early Connections.
Browse the guideline using the links or download a copy:
Find more resources about checking in and changing your plan in accessible formats on the booklets and factsheets page .