How can I prepare for my plan change?

We have some guides you can use to help you prepare for your plan change. You can find  Changing your plan factsheet on our website. You can also check out our pages on Supports you can access and Would we fund it.

Before your plan change, you need to gather any assessments, reports, and other information to help us change your plan. You might have this information yourself. Or you might need to get it from a support coordinator or provider.

If we are doing a plan variation we may not need all of this information, for example if you just want to change who manages your funding, you probably won’t need assessments or reports as we can make these changes with a plan variation.

If you have a support coordinator or specialist support coordinator , we’ll need a report from them. The report should tell us how your supports are meeting your needs and helping you pursue your goals.

For children younger than 9, we have an Early Childhood provider report form . Providers should complete this form to tell us about the supports the child has had.

The form shows the information we need, such as:

  • what services were provided, and who provided them
  • a progress update including what stage the child has got to
  • future recommendations. 
This page current as of
27 October 2023
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