We usually describe high-cost supports, or supports with more risk, as stated. For example, we might describe supports as stated if you need to use those particular supports to ensure your health and safety. This includes supports such as:
- high-cost assistive technology
- complex home modifications
- behaviour support, or supports that involve restrictive practices such as restraint
- Specialist Disability Accommodation.
We will also check if you were eligible for the NDIS through the early intervention criteria. If so, we might decide to describe the supports as stated for some types of early intervention supports. If you’re not sure whether you met the disability criteria or the early intervention criteria, check the letter we sent you when we decided you’re eligible.
John just received his first plan. His plan describes support for assistive technology as flexible, including $2,000 of funding. John can choose what assistive technology to buy with this funding. John talks to his occupational therapist about what assistive technology he should buy with this funding. For example, he could buy a shower chair, or low-cost items like a slip-resistant bathmat.
John’s plan also has a fixed support for a wheelchair with special features, and funding of $8,000. John will need to use this funding for the specific wheelchair we listed on his plan. He can’t use this funding for another support, like a shower chair, instead.
What if you need a specific provider to provide the support?
Sometimes your plan may say who must provide the support. We do this when you need a certain provider to make sure the supports are delivered safely, or to achieve a certain outcome.
For some supports, you must use an NDIS registered provider . These include:
- Specialist Behaviour Support , if the provider will undertake a behaviour support assessment or develop a behaviour support plan
- supports where it’s likely a provider will need to use a regulated restricted practice , either interim or ongoing
- Plan Management
- Specialist Disability Accommodation.
You must use registered providers for these supports even if your plan doesn’t say you need to. You must also use registered providers for these supports, even if you self-manage your funding or use a registered plan manager.
Learn more about the different plan management options .
For other supports, we’ll decide that the support must be provided by a particular person, provider, or delivered in a certain way. We’ll do this if it’s the most efficient and effective way to provide the support. This only happens when:
- we have an agreement with a particular provider to provide the support
- we decide you must use an NDIS registered provider due to the risks, for example complex home modifications
- you need support from a particular person with specialist qualifications, for example a health professional
- you need support delivered in a certain way.
Sometimes, we’ll arrange the support ourselves, if it’s more cost effective than getting another provider to deliver the support. For example, we may bulk buy a support. If so, we will state this in your plan.
What about in-kind supports?
We agreed that state and territory governments will keep providing some supports for a period of time. We call these ‘in-kind supports’.
If we fund in-kind supports like specialist school transport or personal care in schools , you will need to use state or territory government providers for these supports. These supports are most efficiently and effectively provided by state and territory government providers. Learn more about Work and study supports.
For most other in-kind supports, you can choose your provider if you don’t want to use your in-kind provider anymore. We can let you choose another provider if we consider that the support isn’t most effectively and efficiently provided by the in-kind provider.
We usually let you choose another provider if:
- another provider can give you the same support or level of support as the in-kind provider
- the supports with the new provider still meet the NDIS funding criteria, including that they’re value for money compared to the in-kind support
- there are no serious risks with changing providers.
Learn more about in-kind supports .