What work or study supports do we fund while you are at school?

You might need different work or study supports at different times in your life. For example, you might start thinking about work as you reach working age, during or at the end of school. We can fund different supports for your work and study now and in the future.

A great starting point for information about work is our booklet Let’s Talk About Work .

What can we fund when you’re at school?

We can fund extra support you need at school due to your disability. These are supports that are not primarily related to your education and learning and beyond what the school is responsible for. 

What does the school fund?

Your school will fund anything that is part of your education and learning. They must also provide reasonable adjustment for your disability.

For example, the school is responsible for making adjustments or changes to your study resources so that information is provided in a way that you will understand.

They are also responsible for making sure you can get into and around your school.

The school should also make sure you have the same opportunities as other students to fully participate in class and other school activities.

What can we fund?

We can fund special training for your teachers about your individual disability support needs. We can also fund other supports you need due to your disability.

You might see personal care in school included in your plan. This is for things like helping you go to the toilet, eating or drinking. These supports are funded differently and you don’t need to pay for them out of your plan. We refer to this as ‘in-kind’. Learn more about personal care in schools .

We might be able to fund transport to and from school if you can’t catch the bus because of your disability, or if we wouldn’t expect your family to take you. Student transport is funded through in-kind arrangements  and provided by your state or territory government.

This arrangement will remain in place until 2023, and we are working with other governments on how school transport supports will work after this date. You don’t need to pay for transport costs out of your plan. Your pre-paid transport supports will appear on your plan to show that you get that support. Learn more about school transport .

Even though you are at school, you might want help to find or keep a part-time job outside of school hours. If you need this extra help because of your disability, we might be able to fund support to help you build skills to get a job. This might include things like working in a team, staying on task or learning to catch the bus or train.

Work experience as part of your school curriculum is the responsibility of your school. But if you need extra supports because of your disability to be able to do work experience, we may be able to help with that.

You might also have an opportunity to do a school based traineeship, where you combine school, study and work. We can’t fund supports that are the responsibility of your employer, school or traineeship provider. But if there are extra disability related supports you need, we might be able to fund those to help you successfully complete your traineeship.

Your my NDIS Contact or support coordinator can give you more information about these supports. 

What are the things we don’t usually fund?

We usually don’t fund things like:

  • school fees
  • 1:1 school assistants
  • excursions
  • textbooks or standard technology as required by your school
  • after school care programs
  • other things that everyone would need to pay for. 

What if you’re finishing school (or just finished) and want to build your work skills?

Leaving school is a big step in your life. It’s important to think about your work goals during your last few years of school and as you get close to the end of school.
School Leaver Employment Supports can help you get ready for work when you leave school. They can give you the chance to test different types of work, learn how to follow work tasks or how to behave at work.

School Leaver Employment Supports might be right for you if:

  • you’re finishing school, or you recently finished school
  • you want to start working
  • you need to build your skills before you can start work.

School Leaver Employment Supports  has more information on employment supports for when you leave school

We usually fund School Leaver Employment Supports if you:

  • need to build your job skills and gain practical experience before you are ready to look for work
  • are old enough to leave school or have already left school and are aged 22 or under (and haven’t got a job). There are different rules in each state or territory about when you can leave school.

If you’re over 22, learn more about what we can fund to help you find a job.

We fund School Leaver Employment Supports in the Capacity Building – Employment budget.

This page current as of
24 October 2023
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