Once we approve your plan, you’ll get a copy within 7 days. We’ll ask how you’d like to receive your plan.
You can also find it on the myplace participant portal and my NDIS app as soon as we approve it.
If you have a nominee or child representative, they’ll get a copy too, if they’re authorised to get it. You can also ask us to share it with other people. We can only share your plan where you ask us to.
Learn more about your privacy and information.
Once you have a plan, you can start using it to buy your NDIS supports. Your plan officially ‘starts’ on the day we approve it. Your my NDIS contact, support coordinator or recovery coach can help you start using your plan.
We can only pay for your NDIS supports after your plan starts. We pay for NDIS supports in line with your plan.
During your plan, we’ll check in with you to see how you’re going, and how your plan is working for you. We may check in with you:
- at least annually, or more often depending on your circumstances
- if we think your plan might not be working for you. For example, if you’re using too much or too little of your NDIS supports
- if you would like help to use your NDIS supports in your plan.
Your plan ends when we create a new one, or you leave the NDIS. Your plan doesn’t expire or stop, even if we haven’t created a new plan by the plan reassessment date. You are never left without a plan, unless you leave the NDIS.
Learn more about what happens once you have your plan in Our Guideline – Your Plan.
Can you change your plan?
Once we approve your plan, you can request a change to your plan at any time. We can also change your plan if we need to.
If you want to change the information about you and your goals, we can change your plan to include this at any time. This new plan will have the new statement about you and your goals. It will have the same supports.
For other changes to your plan, it’s helpful if you provide us with information explaining why you think your plan needs to change.
Please get in contact with your my NDIS contact or support coordinator if you’d like to request a change to your plan. We also have a form you can complete .
Learn more Our Guideline - Changing your plan.
What if you don’t agree with your plan?
If you’re not happy with your plan, you should talk to your my NDIS contact.
They may be able to explain the decision, clarify how you can use the funding, or help you fix any problems. If you’d like more details about the supports that make up your plan’s total budget amount, we can send this to you. You can contact us and ask for a Budget breakdown.
We’ll give you written reasons on why we made the decision.Contact us if you’d like to discuss the reasons for our decision.
If you don’t agree with our decision to approve your plan, you can ask for an internal review. Your my NDIS contact, support coordinator or recovery coach can help you ask for an internal review. We also have a form you can complete.
Having an internal review means someone who wasn’t involved in creating your plan will review our decision to approve your plan. They’ll consider if we made the right decision under NDIS legislation. An internal review is different to a change or plan reassessment after a check-in or when your situation changes.
Once you get your plan, you have 3 months to ask for an internal review.
Learn more about reviewing our decisions.