We want to get a good understanding of your disability support needs. We know you’re the expert in your own life, and we use your lived experience as much as we can.

To learn about your life and the supports you need, we’ll look at:

  • your goals and aspirations
  • where you live and your living arrangements
  • how you move around your home and your community
  • who supports you now, like your family, friends, or service providers
  • support available from community and other government services to help you learn new skills and become more independent
  • what self-care support you need
  • if you use or need equipment, technology or devices, also known as assistive technology
  • what social and recreation activities you’d like to do now or in the future
  • if you need help to build friendships or connect with your family
  • if you’d like to work or study now or in the future
  • what support you need to build your skills and do more things yourself.

We also look at:

  • the information you gave us when you applied to the NDIS
  • any support you may get through community connections
  • any reports from your doctors or allied health professionals
  • other information you give us, for example from other government agencies, or disability service providers
  • other relevant information we have about your support needs, such as functional assessments, like the PEDI-CAT or WHODAS
  • any other information you give us, including about your lived experience.

We use the information you give us as evidence to help us decide what NDIS supports to include in your plan. We use this evidence to create your plan with you. Sometimes we may ask for more evidence to support funding an NDIS support. We may not be able to fund an NDIS support if we don’t have enough evidence to support including it.

We look at different types of evidence for different types of supports. We may need a report or assessment from your doctor or health professional who specialises in helping you manage your disability.

Reports and assessments may tell us why you need the support and how the support relates to the impairments that meet the disability or early intervention requirements.  For example, an occupational therapist may send us a letter about why you need a specific type of wheelchair.

We will keep your personal information safe and secure.

Learn more about what evidence you need to give us before we create or change your plan .

This page current as of
4 December 2024
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