What about children younger than 6 with developmental delay?

Children younger than 6 with a developmental delay may be eligible for the NDIS under the early intervention requirements.  

Developmental delay is a term used to describe a delay in a child’s development.

It means that a child finds it much harder to do everyday things that other children their age can do, for example, dress themselves, talk or walk.

A child with developmental delay needs lots of extra help to do everyday things compared to children of the same age.

First, we need to know the child:

Then, we need to know the child has a developmental delay. 

Finally, we need to know the child’s supports are most appropriately funded or provided under the NDIS

An early childhood partner can also provide supports to children who aren’t eligible for the NDIS.

Learn more about the early childhood approach.

Does the child have a developmental delay?

When we decide if a child has developmental delay, we use the definition in the law for the NDIS. 

We need to know the delay:

This page current as of
27 October 2023
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