How do you get community connections?

To get community connections, you can contact a local area coordinator. Local area coordinators work alongside people with disability aged 9 to 64. They work with local communities to improve awareness and inclusion, and to remove barriers in the community.

Local area coordinators have strong connections in their local community. They use these connections to develop partnerships to support people with disability in the community. Because they are part of the local community, they know the available disability supports and mainstream and community services well.

In some instances, for example, if your child is 6 years or older, and you would benefit from substantial support to connect with community and mainstream services to support their development, your early childhood partner may work with you to develop a community connections plan. For more information, contact your local early childhood partner .

What if there are no local area coordinators in your area?

Local area coordinators are not located in remote and very remote areas. If you live in an area that doesn’t have a local area coordinator, you can contact the NDIA .

The NDIA can put you in touch with your NDIS Remote Community Connector if there is one available in your area. If you have questions about your disability, you should also speak with your doctor or other health professional.

This page current as of
27 October 2023
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