What type of community connections are available?

Your local area coordinator will talk with you about the different ways you can receive supports. This may include a combination of services, such as:

Connections to information relevant to you

Depending on your needs, local area coordinators can help you find practical information that’s relevant you. This can include:

  • information to find social and peer groups
  • help to find and use online supports and services
  • booklets or fact sheets from other organisations
  • information about different disabilities and conditions
  • information to understand your rights and link you to organisations that help advocate for your rights
  • information on accessibility in your community.

You may be given information about different supports and other services you may find helpful.

Connections to mainstream and community supports

Mainstream and community supports are supports and services that are outside the NDIS and generally available to everyone.

Mainstream supports are the supports from other government funded services, like health, mental health, and education.

Community services are services you can get through community organisations, like religious groups and supports from local councils.

Local area coordinators have strong connections in their local community. They help to link people together with services and raise awareness in the community about disability.

They can help you connect with supports in your local area, including:

  • education, for example schools, universities, TAFEs and community learning programs
  • health services, for example GPs, nurses, hospitals, vision, and hearing services
  • community health services, for example dietetics, mental health services and counselling services
  • social networks that help you keep, build and strengthen your support networks, for example community groups and service organisations
  • recreational activities, for example sporting clubs, performing arts groups and local swimming pools
  • other government services, for example housing, transport and family violence support services.

Connections with other people for peer support

Your local area coordinator can work with you to build and strengthen your local support networks and services so you can meet other people with similar experiences or situations, if you want to.

These peer-to-peer and community-based support systems allow for sharing of information that can build your confidence and knowledge and can be a good way to build a community with other people. You may also be able to share your experience with other people who will benefit from this as well.

Peer supports can be one-on-one or in groups. They may be delivered through an online platform or in face-to-face sessions and programs.

Local area coordinators will work with you to understand what you are seeking from peer supports and connect you with the most appropriate supports for you.

Connections to apply to the NDIS

While you’re being supported by your local area coordinator with community connections, you may decide that you want to apply to the NDIS.

If you decide to apply to the NDIS, your local area coordinator can support you to gather the right information and evidence to help work out if you are eligible.

To find out more about being eligible for the NDIS, refer to Our Guideline – Applying to the NDIS.

If you become an NDIS participant, then we’ll use information gathered about goals, and connections with community and mainstream supports, to help create your NDIS plan.

You can read more about how we make decisions about your NDIS plan in Our Guidelines – Creating your plan, Your plan and Reasonable and necessary supports.

This page current as of
27 October 2023
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