What help can you get to manage your diabetes through the health system or other services?

The Australian health system provides diabetes support services that are available to everyone, whether or not they have a disability.
The government and community services must make sure all Australians, including people with disability, have access to their supports. We call these supports mainstream and community supports. The NDIS was set up to work alongside government and community services, not replace them.

We call these supports mainstream and community supports. The NDIS was set up to work alongside government and community services, not replace them.

Learn more about Mainstream and community supports

What services does the National Diabetes Services Scheme (NDSS) provide?

Anyone with diabetes can get help to manage their diabetes through the National Diabetes Services Scheme .

The National Diabetes Services Scheme provides services and support to people with diabetes, such as:

  • education and general training for workers who care for or support people with diabetes
  •  health services to help prevent diabetes
  • diabetes equipment and products to help monitor your blood glucose levels.

If you need help accessing the National Diabetes Services Scheme, talk to your support coordinator, recovery coach or my NDIS contact.

What services does the Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation provide?

The Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation provides insulin pumps for low-income families who have children under 18 years of age with Type 1 Diabetes. If you’re eligible, you can access supports through the Insulin Pump Program .

Learn more about the Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation .

What help can you get through Medicare?

Medicare helps all Australians with the costs of their health care. You can access Medicare to help pay for services to manage chronic health conditions, such as diabetes.

This includes funding for services to test for and diagnose diabetes. Medicare provides funding for your doctor or diabetes nurse to create a Diabetes Care Plan which will describe how to manage your diabetes.

You might be eligible for a Medicare funded Chronic Disease Management Plan .

Learn more about Medicare .

What can you get through the Pharmaceutical Benefits Scheme (PBS)?

The Pharmaceutical Benefits Scheme (PBS) funds medicine for diabetes. Any medicine or insulin you need for your diabetes is funded by the PBS. If you need insulin or medicine for your diabetes, your doctor will prescribe this.

Learn more about the Pharmaceutical Benefits Scheme (PBS) .

This page current as of
6 December 2024
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