When we decide if specialist disability accommodation meets the NDIS funding criteria for you, we look at why you need the home and living support. We need to make sure your housing is most appropriately funded by us, rather than other government and community services.
We fund specialist disability accommodation if you need specialist housing to meet your disability support needs.
Other government and community services are generally responsible for providing housing and accommodation if you don’t need specialist disability accommodation for your disability support needs.
They need to make sure you have access to accessible, affordable and appropriate housing, including social housing.
For example, if you cant afford private rental accommodation, you can apply for social and community housing. Also, state and territory governments are generally responsible for emergency and long-term accommodation for people who are homeless or at risk of homelessness. Learn more about the community and mainstream supports that we can help with.
For more information about the homelessness services in your state or territory, check out the Homelessness Australia website .
Learn more about who is responsible for your housing support needs .