What happens once you have individualised living option supports in your plan?

Once you have funding in your plan, you can start using it for your individualised living option supports.

If you have Exploration and Design (Stage 1) supports in your plan, you can start to explore where and how you’d like to live. You can do this with your support provider, family, friends, and others. You can also start to complete the service proposal.

If you have Support Package (Stage 2) supports in your plan, you can start implementing your supports as described in your service proposal.

Learn more about choosing providers .

It’s a good idea to have a written service agreement with your provider. This can help make sure you and your provider are clear about what support you get and how you’ll get it.

The individualised living option supports will be included within your NDIS plan. While your individualised living option supports are being set up, your provider should discuss with you how much they’ll need to claim from your funding. 

Learn more about service agreements .

What if you don’t agree with our decision?

If we decide that individualised living option supports don’t meet the NDIS funding criteria, we can’t include them in your plan.

We’ll give you written reasons why we made the decision. You can contact us if you’d like more detail about the reasons for our decision. 

If you don't agree with a decision we make about individualised living option supports, you can ask for an internal review of our decision.  

You’ll need to ask for an internal review within 3 months of getting your plan.  

Learn more about reviewing our decisions.

This page current as of
29 November 2024
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