Does medium term accommodation meet the NDIS funding criteria?

Like all supports, we need to know medium term accommodation meets all our NDIS funding criteria.

For example, we need to know that medium term accommodation:

We won’t fund medium term accommodation if it doesn’t meet our NDIS funding criteria.

Is medium term accommodation related to your disability?

We only fund medium term accommodation if you need it because of your disability.

We may fund medium term accommodation if you need it because your home and living supports aren't ready yet. Medium term accommodation is a temporary and extra cost you have because of your disability support needs.

We won't fund medium term accommodation if it's not related to your disability. We also don't fund day-to-day living costs. 

For example, we won’t fund medium term accommodation as long term rent. And we won’t fund medium term accommodation if you’re getting general repairs and renovations to your home that aren't related to your disability support needs.

This page current as of
28 March 2022
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