We’ll include a specialist disability accommodation location in your plan. We generally fund the specialist disability accommodation location based on where you tell us you’d like to live. We’ll think about whether this location works with your other supports, and if its meets the NDIS funding criteria.

To decide what specialist disability accommodation location to include in your plan, we look at: 

  • the location you want to live in, and if it helps you pursue your goals
  • where you live now and where you’ve lived before, including any recent changes
  • which location would improve your access to community and mainstream services
  • which location would help you connect with community or culture
  • which location will help you stay connected to your informal support network, like family and friends.

We may discuss these things to help us work out if the location is value for money. For example, you might want to live close to friends and family, so they can help you with tasks. This might mean you don’t need as much support in other parts in your plan, so this location is value for money compared to other areas.

What if you were already living in specialist disability accommodation when you became a participant?

If you lived in specialist disability accommodation when you became an NDIS participant, you’ll still be eligible.

If you want to stay in the home you lived in when you became a participant, we’ll keep funding the same kind of specialist disability accommodation.

If you want to move into different specialist disability accommodation, we’ll work with you to decide the design category and building type we’ll fund in your plan. We’ll also think about what other home and living supports you’ll need in your new home.

This page current as of
10 November 2021
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