You'll get a copy of your plan once it's approved. It will explain how much funding you have for supported independent living. We’ll also explain the hours and ratios of support funded in your plan.
You can then choose which provider you want to use for your NDIS supports. You can talk to your support coordinator, planner or your informal supports such as friends or family to help find a provider. If you want to use a registered provider, you can search for providers on our website .
Where supports or services are likely to include the use of regulated restrictive practice, you'll need to use a registered provider. Restrictive practice is any practice that limits the rights or freedom of movement of a person with a disability, to protect them or others from harm. The NDIS Quality and Safeguarding Framework sets out how and when providers can use restrictive practice.
You may want to speak with different providers to choose the best one that will help you work towards your goals. After you choose your provider, you’ll need to agree on how they'll deliver your supported independent living supports. You should tell the provider your goals for your home and living arrangements, and the support you need for daily tasks to help you live as independently as possible.
Your provider will need to deliver your supported independent living supports within your approved funding. We don’t fund providers’ costs directly to work out your day-to-day supported independent living needs.
You can also talk to your support coordinator, my NDIS contact, or provider if you need help to find somewhere to live where you can use your supported independent living supports.