You may already have funding in the Core budget in your plan. You can use this for the help you need to participate in social and recreation activities because of your disability. Check with us if you aren’t sure how to use the funding in your plan for social and recreation supports.

Social and recreation supports we may fund if you need them because of your disability

  • Specialised equipment or modification to equipment to help you to join in social and recreation activities.
  • Help to build your skills to take part in social and recreation activities.
  • A support worker to help you participate in activities, such as help changing into sports clothes or setting you up to join the activity.
  • Help to travel to a recreation event when you can’t use public transport and it’s not reasonable for family or friends to take you.

Supports we generally don’t fund

  • The basic cost of the activities that everyone would be expected to pay for like entry fees, registration and membership fees.
  • Standard equipment you need to take part in a social or recreation activity.
  • Participation in activities at professional and/or elite level.
  • Support for a young child to attend or participate in social or recreation activities where parents would normally be expected to stay and support their child.

When we fund support for social and recreation activities, we’ll fund them so you can participate at an entry level. If you want to participate in professional and/or elite level competitions (for example at State or National Championship level, or in competitions for prize money), you’ll have to pay for the extra costs of competing at that level.

This page current as of
2 December 2020
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