What happens once you have disability-related health supports in your plan?

Once you have disability-related heath support funding in your plan you can use your funding to get the supports you need. If you need help to use your funding, talk to your my NDIS contact or support coordinator.

In some instances your provider will need to make sure they or their workers are registered with the NDIS Quality and Safeguards Commission, and are suitably qualified to provide the type of supports you need. It is the responsibility of your provider to do this.

You should speak directly with your provider if you are concerned about the quality or safety of the supports you receive from them. If you are still not satisfied with the quality of the supports you are receiving, you are entitled to lodge a complaint through the NDIS Quality and Safeguards Commission .

What can you use your Core budget for?

You can use your Core budget for disability-related health supports like:

  • getting someone to help you with things like personal care or following a mealtime management plan
  • low-cost assistive technology, such as adaptive cutlery or plates
  • consumables – the things you use, such as catheter bags, bandages, straps or tape. 

What can you use your Capacity Building budget for?

If you have Capacity Building funding you can use this to get someone like a nurse or speech pathologist to assess you. They can then create a management plan to support your needs. This could be for things such as a continence assessment or a plan to help you eat safely.

You can also use your Capacity Building budget for training for someone, such as a support worker or family member, to help you with specific disability-related health tasks.

What can you use your Capital budget for?

You can use your Capital – Assistive Technology budget to buy or lease mid or high-cost assistive technology. Your plan may have a specific description of the approved assistive technology or provide details of who is most appropriate to prescribe certain supports for you. You’ll need to use your funding on an item that matches this description.

You may need to give us a quote and assessment before you can buy some equipment. We’ll let you know if you need to do this. If you need assistive technology you can learn more from our assistive technology guideline.

This page current as of
27 October 2023
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