For general information about how to use the funding in your plan, check out Our Guideline- Your Plan.
If your plan is Agency managed, you need to buy or rent the item from a registered provider.
For mid cost assistive technology your plan will tell you what item you can buy.
It will also tell you the expected cost of the item, and you can use that as a guide.
This is so you know you’re getting a good deal when buying your items.
Remember you’ll always need to get written advice before you buy your mid cost assistive technology.
For high cost assistive technology your plan may have a specific description of the approved item.
You’ll need to use your funding on an item that matches this description.
For example, we might say the funding is for a particular model of assistive technology. If so, you can’t buy a different model.
How do you get more assistive technology or different assistive technology in your plan?
If you need more or different assistive technology, check the funding in your plan first.
You may be able to use your existing funding to buy what you need.
We try to make plans as flexible as possible so you can choose what you spend your funding on.
Your my NDIS Contact, or support coordinator can help.
Remember that you don’t always need to buy new assistive technology to meet your needs.
Sometimes you may rent or borrow an item, or buy a suitable second hand (for example, refurbished) item.
You can discuss what would be right for you with your assistive technology advisor.
If you can’t use the existing funding in your plan and your circumstances have changed you may want to ask for a plan change.
You can send us any information or evidence you have about your assistive technology to start this process.
We’ll help you with the next steps.
The information we need depends on the type of item you want. You can contact us if you need help with this.
What happens during the plan reassessment?
When you ask for a plan reassessment, we’ll look at any information you give us about your new assistive technology needs.
If your circumstances have changed we may decide to reassess your plan.
If you have evidence the assistive technology meets all the NDIS funding criteria, we can include the funding in your new plan.
The funding will be available when the plan is approved.
Sometimes, we include funding to rent or try an item, especially if it’s something you’re using for the first time.
This is so you can be sure it’s right for you.