Specialist disability accommodation is a range of housing designed for people with extreme functional impairment or very high needs.
Specialist disability accommodation is designed to be more accessible for you based on your disability related support needs. It assists you to live more independently in your home and allow your other supports to be delivered better or more safely. For example, you might need a home with reinforced ceilings so you can get a ceiling hoist installed. It doesn’t include the services or support you might get in your home that relate to your disability supports needs. For example, personal care supports , supported independent living, individualised living options and some assistive technology are other types of home and living support that we may fund.
Specialist disability accommodation may involve a shared home with a small number of other people where you have your own private bedroom. You can choose to share your bedroom with other people, like a partner, if you want to.
You might be able to live in specialist disability accommodation by yourself, if that option best meets your disability related support needs and circumstances.
Providers need to be registered to offer specialist disability accommodation. Providers have to enrol homes with us that meet the standards and requirements for specialist disability accommodation. We call these homes specialist disability accommodation dwellings.
You’ll need to pay rent, and other day-to-day living costs such as bills, to live in specialist disability accommodation.
Other than specialist disability accommodation, we don’t generally fund housing. Most participants will access housing in the private market by owning or renting, or through social housing. If you need affordable housing or are at risk of homelessness, there are state or territory government programs that can help you. Your local area coordinator or support coordinator, if you have one, can help you apply for state or territory housing or homelessness services.
Learn more about housing options and the NDIS .