A roster of care does not decide the amount or type of support you will get in your plan. A roster of care only describes the types of supports you are able to get from your supported independent living provider and may help us to decide how much supported independent living funding to include in your plan. You can ask your supported independent living provider for your roster of care at any time.
Your roster of care includes:
You will usually only need to give us one roster of care. If you had supported independent living approved in your plan before, and your support needs stay the same, we’ll continue the same support in your next plan.
We’ll work out the amount of funding to put in your plan using the price limits in the NDIS Pricing Arrangements and Price Limits .
We’ll discuss your supported independent living funding and any changes to supports when we create your plan. Your plan will show the approved supported independent living funding.
Funding in your plan for supported independent living must be used for that purpose. However, you can use this funding flexibly. For example, you can talk to your provider about what mix of services they will deliver within your supported independent living funding.
Remember, your provider can only charge for services they have provided, and you have agreed with them in your service agreement. Learn more about service agreements .
If you have a service agreement with your provider, it will show what support they will provide and how they will provide it. You can work with your provider to decide how to spend your funding. It is important that your service agreement tells your service provider what you want them to provide and what their responsibilities are.
If things change, or we decide to reassess your plan, we might need a new roster of care. You can always talk to us if you’re not happy with a decision we have made about your supported independent living funding. Learn more about when your plan can be reassessed, or asking for a review of a decision we have made.