Do you need to provide us with evidence?
Yes. To get podiatry and foot care supports in your plan, you need to give us evidence that helps us understand the disability related supports you need.
Talk to your My NDIS contact or support coordinator to work out what evidence we need. Learn more about the evidence we need before we can create your plan .
You can give us any new information or evidence about your support needs when you get it or anytime we talk with you. If you have a podiatry care plan, we may ask for a copy. We’ll also ask for any other assessments or reports about your foot care supports.
We’ll ask you, your family, or carers to explain how your disability affects your ability to manage your podiatry and foot care.
We’ll talk to you about what podiatry and foot care supports you currently get. We’ll ask who you get your supports from, and how often you get them.
We’ll also ask what supports you might need but don’t have yet.
We’ll use this information to decide if the podiatry and foot care supports you need, meet the NDIS funding criteria.
If they do, we’ll work out the amount of funding for podiatry and foot care supports to include in your plan.
What if you don’t agree with our decision?
If we decide podiatry and foot care supports don’t meet our NDIS funding criteria, we can’t include them in your plan.
We’ll give you written reasons why we made the decision. You can contact us if you’d like more detail about the reasons for our decision.
If you don't agree with a decision we make about your request for podiatry and foot care supports, you can ask for an internal review of our decision.
You’ll need to ask for an internal review within 3 months of getting your plan.
Learn more about reviewing our decisions.