Do you need to give us evidence for nutrition supports?
Yes. To get nutrition supports in your plan, you need to give us evidence which helps us understand the disability related support you need. Talk to your my NDIS contact or support coordinator to work out what evidence we need. Learn more about the evidence we need before we create your plan..
You can give us any new information or evidence about your support needs when you get it or anytime we talk with you.
This could be a detailed report from your dietitian which includes any nutritional meal plans for you. Or it could be a report from another suitably qualified health professional which explains why you need a nutrition support.
Along with other evidence we will also ask you about your nutrition support needs. We’ll want to know what supports you currently use and how often you use them. We’ll also want to know who provides the supports. For example, family and friends, a support worker or dietitian. We may also ask if you are expecting any change in who provides your supports.
You can tell us about any disability-related nutrition supports you may need but are not using. For example, if you expect there will be a change in your carer arrangements.
We use all of this information to decide if nutrition supports meet the NDIS funding criteria. If they do, we’ll work out the amount of disability-related nutrition support to include in your plan.
Some supports you request may be better funded by another service system. Where we can, we will link you to other services for these supports, including the health system.
What if you don’t agree with our decision?
If we decide nutrition supports don’t meet our NDIS funding criteria, we can’t include them in your plan.
We'll explain our decision and give you written reasons why we made the decision.
If you don't agree with a decision we make about nutrition supports, you can ask for an internal review of our decision. You’ll need to ask for an internal review within 3 months of getting your plan. Learn more about reviewing our decisions.